Family Medicine

The Family Medicine Residency at Baldwin Health has quickly proven itself to be a top-tier program. Our achievements with wellness, evidence-based medicine, accreditation, state-of-the-art facilities, and unmatched faculty are noteworthy.

Wellness – While some residencies pride themselves on routinely working residents up to the ACGME’s 80 hour work week limit, our residents average less than 55 hours per week, allowing greater time with family and friends, and the ability to enjoy the numerous activities available to us on the beautiful Gulf Coast. Even on-the-job, we focus on fostering the wellbeing of our “work family!” We intentionally schedule daily lunchtime didactic sessions not only to enhance academics, but truly to carve out time to commune amongst each other with food, lively discussion, and fellowship.

Evidence-based Medicine Focus – Our patient-oriented and evidence-based curriculum not only sharpens medical knowledge but hones essential critical appraisal and practice-based learning skills creating self-actualized lifelong learners. One example of success in this realm is our untarnished 100% first-time pass rate on the American Board of Family Medicine certification exam. Additionally, each of our graduates has published at least one peer-reviewed publication in preeminent journals including American Family Physician, Evidence-Based Practice, and the Journal of Family Practice, just to name a few.

Fully Accredited by the ACGME – We are fully accredited by the ACGME and do not have a single citation – the crowning achievement of any residency program. This is at least in part due to the exceptional results we’ve achieved on the annual anonymous ACGME surveys of our residents. Year-in and year-out, our survey scores remain above the national mean in all eight subject areas including: Resources; Faculty Teaching and Supervision; Educational Content; Clinical Experience and Education; and others. So, whether you ask hospital leadership, the Program Director, Teaching Faculty, or the residents themselves, the message is consistent and positive – this is an ideal place to train as a Family Physician.

Facilities – At Baldwin Health, our facilities are unmatched! In concert with the rapid growth of Baldwin County and the success of Baldwin Health caring for our community, our hospital is undergoing an extensive $186 million renovation and expansion. The number of licensed patient beds will increase from 102 to 142 and also include growth in the number and type of service lines. Baldwin Health is evolving into a state-of-the art community hospital where the Family Medicine Residency enjoys developing its full-scope potential as the hospital’s sole Graduate Medical Education program.

Faculty Experience – Between myself and our core faculty, we have approximately 100 years of teaching experience, numerous teaching awards, over 80 peer-reviewed publications, and over 20 book chapters. The five most senior of us by-and-large came to this program after retiring from previous careers (in military medicine, academic medicine, and private practice) specifically because we were endeared to what this program could (and has) become. We are unique in having a non-physician licensed professional counselor as one of our core faculty. In the role of our “Behavioral Scientist,” she is committed, compassionate, and adept at helping residents as individuals, groups, and with their patients.

Obviously, we are very proud of our residency program and look forward to strengthening it even further with future classes of motivated and compassionate resident physicians.


Timothy Mott, M.D., FAAFP
Founding Program Director, Family Medicine Residency
Baldwin Health – Foley, Alabama
ACGME ID: 1200100728
NRMP Code: 2335120C2

©2024 Baldwin Health Family Medicine Residency